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Monday, August 13, 2012

Right is Wrong...Left is Right!

They termed one hand "right"
so the unfortunate other became the "wrong"
and the way he held the spoon was ever frowned upon!

Trying to write seemed wrong from left to right.
So thoughtful is the Arabic alphabet,
gracefully scripted from back to front !

The scissors were stubborn on craft;
the cucumbers refused to peel themselves…
and that poor wrong hand would never get it ‘right’.

Then one day, he surrendered to their hand,
to find that skill still lies in the one he ‘left’
while the’ right ‘hand’led “mindless” jobs !

Some of us thus invented a two sided world…
The numbers and letters winked at each other,
on learning the marvels of the mirror image!

In turn discovered our own multi dexterous flair,
with a ‘left ‘over realization of amusement,
to be on the “wrong” side of life.

The creative brain too, chose the right side
and ‘left’ the unexciting practical path.
So they began to call it the “right brain”!

Yet those on this side are doing just fine.
We get a bit confused only at some turns...
Incidentally the left indicator fits on our wrong side!

Nonetheless our dear right brain
continues to function from the left,
as the mouse works its wonders from the right!

~ To all the left handed like -minded and our continued struggle with life's basics ...
Happy Left Handers day ;)

1 comment:

  1. This was an AWESOME read, N!!
    The entire post is wonderfully written, starting with a very clever title :) (I just found out today that Aug 13th is Left Hander's Day!)
    Keep up the great work!!


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