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Monday, June 20, 2016

Cinderella Syndrome

I see a working mother as a Goddess with multiple hands to handle so many responsibilities. At times she becomes a juggler who balances many roles in life. As I play mum to not one but two highly energetic boys, I realize that motherhood becomes more of a physical challenge than an emotional one…especially in case of boys. I feel raising boys is more difficult, physically and raising girls is more difficult, emotionally. I often become a zombie in sweat pants and disheveled hair just running behind my younger son who is now climbing onto every piece of furniture, getting his hands dirty and sampling each edible or non edible item in the house! I get totally exhausted giving explanations and reasons to my older son about why things happen the way they do in this world.
In my attempt to get my ducklings in a row, make them to sit down and play for a while as I aim for a cleaner, tidier home, I end up feeling like Cinderella! Yes, the super unglamorous Cinderella, whose chores never seem to end!But then I get a fairy godmother every morning. Her magic wand awakens my enthusiastic spirit and I get transformed into my professional woman avatar as I go to work feeling like the dressed up Cinderella.
I soak up the sun and drink up the creative juices while I am there. By close of working hours, its like the clock strikes 12 and instantly, I need to rush home leaving behind my glass sandal ---my creative professional side--- to come back to the pyjama clad messy haired mum to be there for my boys.
My older son shyly says, “I like your dress Amma” and my younger one tries to fish out interesting things from my bag with a usual sweet smile. This is enough to bring back my energy levels for the rest of the day. I gladly return to the daily drill, hoping for that magic wand to reappear the next morning...

: : Photo Credits : Krish Nair

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