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Saturday, April 08, 2017

Two Much!

: : Abhiir’s Birthday Interview at two ---

Hi Abhiir. 
Hey Mamma.

Whats your name?

Yes. That’s right. Abhiir.
Wheres Arhaant?
Ra-Ra buss (pointing out to the road. Abhiir calls Arhaant "Ra-Ra")

Ok Abhiir. What do you like to eat?
Raaaais(rice)…patta (pasta)

And banana?
(nods) Baa-naa-naa

And what do you want to eat now?
Do (Dosa)

What do you like to play?
Baaaaw (ball)

And catching?
Chaa Choo (catch you)

Ok now you have to go to the nursery…
Baba taas (Baba’s car)
*all grey cars are Baba Taas

Do you want to come with me?
Mamma taas? (Amma’s car)
*all red cars are Mamma Taas

Now go change. You have to go to nursery.

Go fast. I hear the police car!
No-No taas? (nee-noo car/police car)

Wear pants.
Nooo. Tot (shorts) Toks choos (socks shoes)

Ok. Whos you friend?
Itooo(Our neighbour Ithana, fondly called Ithu)

Is she coming to the nursery?
Itooo taas (Ithu’s car)
*All white cars are Itoo Taas

Where’s Chechi?
Chechi bussss (refers to Abu Dhabi Bus)
*Abhiir calls our babysitter/maid chechi(sister)

Where’s Ajji?
Ajji titz
(I have guessed that titz means plane as he always shows a plane flying with his hands and says titz, since we told him that ajji(grandma)went to India by plane. Sometimes 'titz' also means curd!)

Did you forget something? (I show him his blanket)
Tutu’s there!! Ha ha (Smiling and giggling)
*Tutu is his favourite cuddly blanket that he has to carry with him everywhere! We need to wash it secretly at night!!!

So Abhiir, you are two years old today!
Tooo (shows with his two fingers with both hands)

Happy Birthday Abhiir!
Abeeee ?

Thank you  Abhiir.

Taa-choo Mamma(thank you)
(Smiles and runs away…)

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