This year has been different. I have realized the difference between solitude and loneliness. I can say that solitude is my happy place where I go back to find myself.
More than anything else, this year has made me take those big risks in life, told me to take a chance without being scared. I gave up a lot for something I have truly believed in for many years. I dared to walk away from the rat race to follow my calling.
I quit my well paying job and my comfortable position. I embraced myself without any designations. I am enough and still worthy without that position and that pay cheque. I don't need to feel guilty for taking a break to do something different.
I have led a fulfilling life, even if I have earned less money than before. I know, only love and passion are not enough to keep the engine running. But there has been lots in life to keep me motivated. I have celebrated little wins.
The most important event has of course been the publishing of Amaira, the little woman, my second poetry book, that I had kept safe in my heart for many years. I have received amazing reviews from readers across the world. I am really grateful for this.
Amaira has given me hope. Everything may not happen exactly at a particular time, but it will happen when it has to. I have faith. It has made me a believer.
The second most important event has been my alumni presentation “Landscapes: Outer and Inner”. It has been the right platform I had been looking for, to share my story with the world. I am so happy I came out and spoke about my life and journey of 17 years thus far, through this profession of landscape architecture. It also gave me an opportunity to introduce the underlying depths of my book, Amaira, the little woman, to those from my creative field.
2023 has pushed me to find my purest sources of joy _ _ _ My home, my garden, my cat, my boys.
I talk to my plants every morning as I spot new flowers. When I look at my cat sipping water, it quenches my thirst. When I see my boys cycling fast in the community garden, it just brings a smile to my face.
This year I have also learnt how to capture the best memories in the form of short videos combined to form musical reels. I am experimenting with this creative form of expression.
Since the past couple of months, I have been doing some freelance landscape designing work from home. It fulfills my creative thirst without a lot of stress. But the pay with freelance works is nowhere close to the comfortable monthly pay at the end of each month, that comes from a regular 9 to 5 job. But this is something to keep me going for the time being.
I am definitely more flexible this year, in all ways possible! My knowledge of yoga has gone up. I learnt about mudras and mantra meditation. I have played more ping pong, I swam more, ran more, cycled more, danced more and I bathroom-sang more than any other year!
I recreated ten of my mother’s recipes. And I have begun to call myself a poet --- proudly and comfortably!
I look forward to new things in 2024. Here are some resolutions and hopes for the new year —
Happy 2024!
- Earn more, save more.
- Learn Tai Chi
- Continue yoga and other forms of staying fit physically and mentally.
- Try a 10km marathon.
- Participate in more book fairs and book signing events.
- Hope for more reviews for Amaira.
- See Amaira in more book shops and in more homes.
- Trip with my sister and family as every year to a new place in India.
- Try to fit all the things learnt in 2023 into the new routines of 2024.
- Drive on unknown roads bravely.
- More of gardening, cycling, ping pong, swimming, running, sketching.
- Keep exploring new places.
- Face your fears.
- Note your insecurities and work on them.
- Read more books.
- Be genuinely interested in football!---I can do that much for my boys ;)
- Master the freestyle stroke.
- Eat clean.

:: First Sunrise of 2024 _ _ Happy New Year ::

:: First Sunrise of 2024 _ _ Happy New Year ::
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