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Sunday, May 24, 2020

Through the Woods with Birds

Mosaic of the evening skies,
framed by sun-lit branches.
Orange dust of dusk,
sprinkled upon tree tops.
I walk through the woods,
yellow- brown leaves  
rustling under lone footsteps.
There is no path.
I follow my hushed breath.
Light peeps in and out, 
tracing the windows above. 
A sparrow party
sings on the Acacia,
as a pair of green parakeets
cuddles atop the thorny twig.
Subdued coos of laughing doves,
dissolve against brisk moves 
of a camouflaged quail.
The sight of birds 
in candid flight,
does bring back wings
to many a weary thought...

:: On an off-mood evening, I stepped out for a solitary walk in the woods near my home. The silence in the rustling leaves, the wind whispering secrets to my ears and just watching the birds at their usual evening play brought back a cheer to my mind. I took my boys(and my camera) the next evening to experience the same magic in the woods, where we spotted quails, parakeets, bulbuls, sparrows, mynas and laughing doves ::

:: Parakeet in Flight ::

:: Bulbul ::

:: Quails ::

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