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Monday, June 17, 2024

Also - Ran

With little chubby legs
when you toddled your way around
exploring exciting new routes,
I ‘also-ran’ behind you…
only to keep you safe.

When you waited, confused
on unknown turns,
I held your tiny hands,
‘also-ran’ with you,
helped you choose...

My role has been to guide you,
show you the right direction.
Not to pave the way for you,
but to see you take the lead,
while I also-run…

Now both of you
are running ahead of me,
fast and independent.
I also-run, then wait and watch, proudly,
your silhouettes against the sun…

You need to find your inner calling
and build your own road when needed.
Just once in a while, turn back and look out for me…
perhaps a bit slower now, your mum,
‘also-running’, with one eye on your finish-line!

#tomyteenageson #growingupboys  #rolereversal #mumgetsolder 
:: This poem is especially to my teenage son, who is turning 14 in a few days...::

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