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Monday, December 30, 2013

Facebook (Fan)aticism

To be or not to be, that is the question. To be active on facebook and share your life with others or not be bothered about social networking at all, that is the question! In a random mind frame, I ponder over any topic under the sun that pokes me in some or the other way. Just so it does not lead up to insomnia, I analyse it deeply until it is justified by my mind.

But still, there are many unanswered questions about such sites that continue to annoy me. You constantly need to sieve out the fake.The only solution is not to take virtual interactions too seriously. Because nobody else does. No technology can replace real interactions.The truth is out there. Somewhere.

There are those who believe in sharing any and everything everyday; some of those who selectively share pictures and events ; those who absolutely despise everything about social networking sites and a discreet category of those who take interest in others lives but choose not to share anything about themselves.

To be very honest, I am okay with selective sharing on facebook. Not only to show off my latest look ;) but the intent is more insightful than that. I am quite fascinated by the timeline feature. For me, who loves to document every phase of my life, this technological wonder helps me keep an account of whatever I have done in a specific year and that too, freely available to all my relatives, close friends and most importantly, to myself. 

I read somewhere a while ago that keeping a personal journal gives you a better access to yourself, makes you aware of your own progress and offers an invaluable feedback loop. When I am feeling low, I view my own timeline and listen to what my life has been telling me. It makes me happy to see what I have experienced and what changes have taken place over the years.  I don’t need to format anything; it gets synchronized on its own and hopefully will be available as a pictorial diary even by the time I grow old.

Have we not found a profound reason! So go on and share. Not for anyone else, but for yourself. It is all the more interesting to note the changes.

Disclaimer :  
Any views or opinions expressed in this writing are not intended to hurt the sentiments of any specific individual or community and if so, it’s purely coincidental. The rights to change/not believe in any /all of the above statements at any time are reserved with the author ;)

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