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Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Untold years have gone by
as I walk past these pavements,
carrying my mixed bag of moods ---
one for each day.
Feels as though
the pieces of my life so far
are imprinted on these pavers,
a part of the sidewalk 
set aside for every phase!

Older and wiser, I say,
it is a renewed me each year.
She takes the same old road
and at some known turn,
empathizes with the former me ---
the vulnerable one,
who worried  too much.
I find her hidden in shadows,
in leaves, on stones,
in reflections of glass
and in sheltered zones,
between sun-dusted houses.
My heart reaches out to her.

And then on some sullen grey day,
the new me merges again,
with the earlier me.
Deep inside, they are one---
at one with myself.
We share the same soul,
with forms spread out
in different shades...
of the same colour.

:: My new workplace and my earlier one are located in the same neighbourhood. Its been almost six years that I drive to that same zone, find a parking spot and then walk to the office building. These pavements remind me of the events of my life and my different mind frames in those phases. They remind me of how I have changed over the years ...and then again , deep down,how, I will never change...

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