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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Lucky Number Seven

Dear Arhaant,

This is my second letter to you. I know you can read very well now so I will express myself clearly to you. You are seven years old today. I cannot believe how time has gone by so fast.
I still remember the baby boy Arhaant born on that humid evening of 20th June 2010. You changed my life from that day on and taught me how to be a mother. Parents try to teach their children many things in life, but children without knowing teach parents important lessons about humanity. Again I repeat, you might not understand every word of my letter today, but when you grow up, you will.

You lost many more milk teeth this year. You wrote your first poem about the Giraffe at school. You also wrote your first imaginative essay about the friendly crocodile. All this makes me really happy and proud. Your handwriting has improved a lot this year. Let me tell you, your mother used to get the best handwriting prize at school almost every year!

I know you have taken a lot of creative genes your father and from me. I hope you do something in the creative field when you grow up. But of course, you are a lot like your grandfather too(like my father).
And all three of us are birds of a feather! We are so similar. We think too much. Our thoughts spill out of our brains even in the night! We have a complicated mind that continuously observes and analyses each and everything. This makes us restless and moody. So we need to calm our minds from time to time.  You need to learn this early in life. So I am telling you now. I am still learning.

Abhiir has grown up so much this year. You have found the perfect partner at home, to play, run and jump around! But “Ra-Ra”, (like Abhiir calls you), always remember, you are his big brother. You should always take care of him. You should teach him how to draw and how to play football. Always be there for each other. I am going to tell him the same.

We had so much fun in Georgia this spring vacation. You got to see the snowy mountains! Baba and I love travelling and I know you love it too. I am sure Abhiir will enjoy travelling as much as we do.We will have a great time in India this summer when it will be raining in Pune. You can finally meet your favourite person in the world--- Ajji (Grandmum)
Just try to loosen up and let go of small things that bother you. Most times I tell myself the same things that I tell you. Please listen to me and Baba. We definitely know a little more than you ;)Enjoy reading and drawing. Preserve your imaginative side.I know I keep saying this all the time, but you will surely thank me for this when you grow up.

Have a great birthday with your favourite chocolate cake, new friends from the neighbourhood and your awesome new shoes. And please don’t behave like a teenager already... remember, you are just seven!


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