

: : : :

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Saturday, December 07, 2019


Count my first two bunny teeth.
Guide my new dance step.
Hold my hand in the dark.
Share the blanket with me.
Wash soap bubbles down my back.
Show me how to stand and pee!
As I fall asleep on the school bus,
lend me your strong shoulder to lean.
Celebrate my first football kick,
at times, letting me win.
Best friend forever, dear big brother,
clap the loudest, when I boast about
each and everything you have taught me!

::On behalf of my younger son, to my older son---his best big brother! 

My younger son, Abhiir said to me that day, "How come you and Baba don't live with your sister and brother now? I want to live with my big brother Arhaant forever. Till I am old. Thus I wrote this poem --- from him, to his big brother ::

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