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Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Just yesterday, the bedroom clock stopped working at 4 am. And then, when I checked my wrist watches, two of them had time standing still since long. I thought to myself, no wonder my ‘time’ hasn’t been going too well!!!
But no matter how rushed my early mornings have been, however less sleep I have had, the perfect empty parking spot waiting for my car on a manic work day morning never fails to cheer me up!  Suddenly I find things finally going right for me!

Sometimes I get some precious morning minutes to myself to sip on my tea while it is still hot. Occasionally I get extra play time with my ten month old before his bedtime. I just sit beside him on the carpet and let him go over and under and through my legs. He pulls himself up holding on to my legs. This is all I need to make me happy. On some school nights my older son offers to tell me a story instead of me telling him one! His stories are about camping in the desert, setting up tents, having chicken shawarma for dinner and sleeping under the stars sharing the sleeping bag with his best friend.  Even these dreamy thoughts are enough to make me happy.
An evening walk when my older boy rides his bike and my younger one looks around from the stroller, all of us wearing woollen head bands in these balmy winters , smiling at neighbours  and then buying milk and bread for tomorrow on the way back, is a small bit of my daily routine that makes me so joyful inside.
I was always used to having several mental to-do lists to tick off from time to time or sulk, looking at undone lists. But then there are some crystal clear days like these when those lists don’t need to be ticked off…they seem complete in my head…or  they don’t even matter to me anymore!
Is it my boys, or is it the weather…or is it the newfound realization of gratitude towards life…I feel peacefully pleased. When I am too relaxed and contented, poetry does not come to me. I need emotional ripples to stir me into writing down poetic verses. So when I blog about life and family, I know, I must be in a calmer mind frame.
These are the subtle transformations that motherhood brings about. Life gets simplified. One finds happiness in little things. I find many motherhood memories that create a whispered echo around me. I sense a familiar serenity resonating along my mind alleys.  I like the sound of this resonance through my life--- it’s the resonance of quiet happiness.

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