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Thursday, October 04, 2012

From Within

Cradled in dark by a tender cushion,
snuggled in peaceful dreamless slumber,
wish I lay in my own womb
and sense what my baby could….

To see if a curious beam of light
ever entered in from the umbilicus
or a purred whisper spilled beyond,
wanting to be heard.

If the fragrance of a blooming him
still lingers in my deepest folds of flesh
returning back delicate memories
of the hope that breathed.

I long to hear my own caring voice
from the innermost creases of compassion
and sway into tranquil trance
to the rhythm of a selfless heartbeat.

From the time when he was a mere form
awaiting a soul and wings,
realizing his home enveloped inside,
to help him grow into a living being.

Won over by a spell of the mind's eye,
let me revive this entrancing feeling…
I silently discover the mother in me,
as I look at myself from within.

~ This one to all those women trying to understand the mother in them ...and to some special ones patiently waiting for their turn…


  1. Wonderfully expressed thoughts... really liked 'fragrance of a blooming him'. Could totally relate to this one!! :)

  2. a definite publish in your next book....

  3. beautiful musings...of a beautiful mind!


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