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Sunday, June 08, 2014

Secret Wish List

There is a huge bucket list stocked up for many years in a neat folder of my mind corner. These are the things I wished to do from ‘the day I have plenty of time on hand’.This week I decided to reopen that folder realizing my gift of time --- which is that precious bracket of five hours I get each morning when my son goes to school. Well, its only a few weeks left for this treat, hence I began to jot my list down for future reference and indulgence.

Firstly, this morning I went for a long walk to the neighbourhood park. I was surprised to see many people using the park route as a short way to reach the bus stop. It has the benefits of a morning stroll before work that adds freshness to the daily routine. It pleasantly reminded me of my days in Bangalore ---the garden city, where most people take their breakfast or lunch break at a park near their office. 
I explored most of the shaded pedestrian paths along the villas that led to the main road side walk , like an exercise in urban design for the zone I stay in. I jogged past cars stuck in the rush hour traffic with a wide smile on my face. I enjoyed being on the ‘other side’ swimming against the rat race. Been there, done that… one item ticked off the list !

Now let me continue with the list further in random order ---

2. Add more graphic elements to ‘quietHappiness’. Spend more time writing and organizing both blogs. Finish typing out handwritten notes and travel diaries. Not to get totally carried away on this one!

3. Yoga ,Sun salutations and meditation for an hour every morning. I am already at it and its helping me stay calm.

4. Add some more aesthetic touches to our home interiors in terms of soft furnishings, more frames and some funky wall art. I might need to include the architect husband and the opinionated son in this task.

5. Check each and every corner of each and every cupboard of the house to discard all the unwanted things building up negative spaces. This is the ocd part of me. So dear mind, it might take a while to tick this item off.

6. Spend one whole day out only with myself and for myself. This is the materialistic me . So let me work out a bargain offer with the husband ;)

7. Get back to more photography, sketching and painting. I am still working on the starting trouble. Atleast I found the old sketch books and paints!

8. Add healthy elements to every meal. Make more soups and salads for the boys. No junk. I am keen to find out how that’s going to work!

9. Make an effort towards wet waste recycling at home and reuse it for my potted plants. Well, I have been pondering over this for long. Now is a good time to put it in practice and give an interesting lesson to my son about environmental issues.

10. Rearrange the fridge magnets. Well, this is again the ocd me. But I will do it . One day. Someday. It needs a lot of mental preparation and concentration ;)

11. Try out ALL the clothes in the closet. Check if they fit and look fine. Otherwise donate. Just to make room for item 6 ;)

12. Have a long indulgent bath at a different odd time each day!!! These are the crazy after effects of motherhood. I am sure new mums and seasoned ones will have this on their list ;)

And last but not the least --- to spend a lot of time with my son. To give him my time when he needs it and not only when I have it. To be available mentally and physically ; to listen to his amazing stories. To actually become a hooded super hero with him and dance around the whole house!  To give him one helluva summer vacation when ‘Amma was there ALL the time’ . So that by the end of it he will say  “Amma go back to work ! “ That’s the strategy ;)

I hope everything goes well and atleast 70 % of things get ticked off. Nonetheless going by Murphy’s law one should always come up with a Plan B. And that my friend, would be best left undisclosed ;)

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