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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Around the World in Eight Years!

Dear Arhaant,

Exactly eight years ago, you were born in the football season. And your Baba had wished for you to  be interested in sports. From the “Unknown Mix” you used to be, I am very happy to see your transformation into a wonderful blend of the sporty and the arty!

You always ask me, why did I choose Baba and why did Baba choose me? I can definitely say, that it is this perfect balance of artiness and sportiness that both, me and your Baba like the most about each other. You are big enough to understand this connection now.

This year, I can pick out a few precious moments that I got because of you. I like to note down such events so that we can remember them forever.

You will soon finish grade 3 this year! I remember my first term-end meeting with your class teacher Miss Elizabeth. (Miss Elbillet, as Abhiir says it ;) She had said, “I want to thank you for raising such a well-mannered and creative boy. He is a gentleman!”  It was a pleasure hearing her comment about you. I want you to continue the same and give me more of such enjoyable parent-teacher meetings.
Keep up this ‘best foot forward ‘attitude.

This year, I took you to my office once in your term-end break. You sat next to me at my work desk and drew as many as ten drawings on the back side of my check prints! And then you nicely sharpened all my colour pencils and used them to make a colourful drawing that I proudly put up on my wall!  These are the times when I feel, I must have done at least something right as a mother!

My best recollection of this year would be of that particular Friday evening when Abhiir and Baba were relaxing at home, and both of us went out for a walk to explore the ‘woods’ behind Omar’s house. We saw the Robins and the Mynahs resting in the tree branches. We listened to the soothing sound of leaves, rustling on the wind. We walked along the sandy paths under the Ghaf trees, crushing dry leaves under our jumping feet! We saw the beautiful villa by the inner road…the villa with the tall palms and the flowering climbers along its wall. You said to me, “You and Baba should build a home like this!”

I really love these instants that make me realize how similar you are to me! As a child, even I had a huge fascination for little bungalows along the shaded streets of my city and I dreamt about living in them!  

I recall a similar scene from the book “The Namesake” when the dad and the son walked towards the end of a jetty by the sea and forgot the camera. The dad said, “Now you should remember this moment forever! …the time when we had no more left to go!”

Arhaant, you should record such moments in your memory ---moments when we comprehend the real joys of life…and we don’t have a camera to capture them. I know you will always remember our ‘walk in the woods’.

You have been lucky to have gotten a chance to visit many countries in these eight years of your life. That has taught you how to enjoy travel and what all you can collect from each new place you visit.

This year I have seen a marked change in you when we travelled to Spain in spring. I loved how you brought the curvy lines from Gaudi’s architecture into your drawings. You have learnt to appreciate art and architecture from a very young age. I want you to keep these travel-learnings with you all your life and keep exploring the world with your deep sense of observation. That’s your real birthday gift.

Happy Eighth Birthday.

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